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well off什么意思,well off翻译基本解释adj.: 富有的;富裕的;境况良好网络: 井停歇;小康;手头宽裕的权威解释富有的;富裕的:having a lot of money境况良好:in a good situation英汉解释生活好过井停歇关井舒适;生活好;丰衣足食;过好的生活;过着痛快的日子最好 …;不如;还是…吧;如果…那倒好办一些例句It"s out of the question. He"s neither well-off nor experienced, you know.不可能。你知道,他既没钱又没经验。People, looking at him, imagined instantly that a man of his age, stout and well dressed, must be well off.一看见他,人们就会以为,像他这般年龄的人,身体结实且衣着得体,一定非常富有。Once upon a time there was a man who was quite well-off, but illiterate. Thus, he got a tutor to teach his son how to read and write.从前有一个人,家里很有钱,只是一个字也不认识,于是请了个教师,教他儿子读书。The more well-off a family and the greater its economic success are deciding factors in how much leisure a woman can afford.一个女子所被给予的闲暇时光的多少取决于一个家庭的富裕程度和其经济成就高低。But proximity seems to be teaching well-off cariocas that abandonment is no solution for poverty and violence.但是这似乎使富裕的里约本地人意识到,放弃并不是解决贫穷和暴力的途径。Maria is a wonderful person, and yet Glen treats her very badly - he just doesn"t seem to know when he"s well off.玛丽亚是一个极好的人,然而格伦却待她很不好——他似乎就是不知道自己是很幸运的了。"But we always seem to be broke at the end of the month, " she says. "On paper you look well off, when in practice you can be struggling" .朱迪丝表示:“但在月底,我们总像是一文不名。从账面上看,你确实富有,但实际上,你可能却是在苦苦挣扎。”As a boy he"d been the beloved baby of a large, well-off family, and as a man he was sustained by his wife, Katharine S.还是个男孩的时候,怀特在一个富裕的大家庭里受尽宠爱,成为男人以后又有妻子养。他妻子凯瑟琳S。怀特(KatharineS。Economic activity is sustainable if future generations can expect to be at least as well off as today"s.如果后代们将来至少能指望拥有像今天这样的生活质量,说明现在经济活动是可持续的。He said officials ought to consider the fact that demonstrations also take place in very stable, well-off countries.何兵认为,政府人员应该深刻认识到这样一个事实:即使是在高度稳定和发达的国家,和平示威也会经常发生。

well-to-do和well off的区别

well-to-do和well off的区别

well-to-do和well off都有富有的意思,区别如下: 1、well-to-do 英 [wel tə dʊ] 美 [ˌwɛltəˈdu] 既可以做定语又可以做表语,用作定语的比较多。 例如:a well-to-do family富裕家庭 They're very well-to-do. 他们很阔绰。 2、well off 英 [wel ɔf] 美 [wɛl ɔf] 作为富有的;富裕的意思是常常做表语,反义词是badly off They are much better off than us.他们比我们富得多。 3、well off 还有境况良好的意思, =in a good situation 扩展资料: 例句 (1)He came from a well-to-do family. 他出身于富裕家庭。 (2)Although she is not well-to-do, she is still a proud Singaporean. 尽管不富裕,这位主妇仍然是个自豪的新加坡人。 (3)In a well-to-do house there is always a resident teacher. 在富裕的家庭里总有一个常住的教师。 (4)If I work hard now, when I retire I'll be very well off financially. 如果我现在辛勤工作的话,退休后就会很富足。 (5)I have to say I find it hard to believe, too, because I know you are as well off as I am, if not more so. 我必须说,我也不相信,因为我知道纵使你不比我富裕,起码也像我一样有钱。 (6)His parents are quite well off; they have just bought him a new car for his birthday. 他的父母很有钱;为祝贺他的生日,他们给他买了辆新车。

well off是什么意思中文

well off是什么意思中文

well off是富裕的;处境好的。 His family is not very well off. 他家境不太宽裕。 I've got my own room so I'm well off. 我有自己的房间,所以还不错。 So was your father's side more well off? 那么你父亲那边的亲戚以前更富裕? Some people don't know when they're well off. 有些人身在福中不知福。