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朋友们的英语是:riends。 friends,读作:[frendz],意思为朋友们,是friend的复数形式,词形变化:形容词: friendless;名称:friendlessness;时态:friended,friending。 friends造句 1.You don't know any of my friends. 你不认识任何一个我的朋友。 2.She's got loads of friends. 她有很多朋友。 3.He has a small circle of friends. 他有一个小小的朋友圈子。 4.She's got some nutty friends. 她有几个疯疯癫癫的朋友。 5.She and Gavin are good friends. 她和加文是好朋友。 6.We are still friends,though,which is good. 不过我们仍然是朋友,这令人感到欣慰。 7.He's made a lot of new friends. 他交了许多新朋友。 8.We've been friends a long time. 我们是老朋友了。



交朋友的英文:be friends with v.交朋友;与…交友,与…友好,跟…做朋友 一、friend 英 [frend] 美 [frɛnd] n.朋友,友人;资助者;助手;近亲 v.与…为友 二、with 英 [wɪð] 美 [wɪθ] prep.随着;和,跟;关于;和…一致 1、I want to be friends with everybody. 我要和所有的人交朋友。 2、You can be friends with the other children. 你可以和其它小孩交朋友。 扩展资料 与朋友有关的英文: 一、friendship 英 [ˈfrendʃɪp] 美 [ˈfrɛndˌʃɪp] n.友情,友谊;友善的关系;友善,好意 friendships formed while she was at college 她在大学时建立的友谊 二、fellowship 英 [ˈfeləʊʃɪp] 美 [ˈfeloʊʃɪp] n.友谊,交情;会社,团体;研究员职位;学术奖金 There was a great deal of soldierly good fellowship. 这里充满了战友间才有的那种真挚友谊。



Life is hard. We should not give up hope. By the time we have given up, we are finished. Chances are always there. We have to grab every single opportunity...to help, to love and to serve. To live our life happier, full of joy, we have to set our goal and even dream big. If we choose the shortest path in life, we will never learn. To be or not to be, we have to be SOMEBODY. The fastest way to gain love is to love others first!Do not hide your talent, your knowledge and your beautiful heart. Go for your dream and live for it. 带翻译: 生活是困难的。我们不应该放弃希望。我们已经放弃的时候,我们完成了。机会总是存在的。我们必须抓住每一个机会…帮助,爱和服务。住我们的生活更快乐,充满了快乐,我们必须设定我们的目标,甚至梦想。如果我们选择生活的最短路径,我们将永远学不会。是或不是,我们必须有人。获得爱的最快途径是先爱别人!不要隐藏你的才华,你的知识和你的美丽的心。去你的梦想和生活。

学习英语的好处 英语作文加翻译

学习英语的好处 英语作文加翻译

The English language is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, and it is the official language of many countries. 英语是全世界使用范围最广的语言之一,也是很多国家的官方语言。
English is used almost everywhere. 几乎全世界任何地方都使用英语。

The ability to fluently speak the English language in addition to your native language can be beneficial if you're seeking job opportunities with international companies.

Major Hollywood movies have dialogue in English. The plot of these movies is easier to follow if the person watching the movie speaks English.

The English language is predominantly spoken throughout the world, so international travelers may find that speaking English can make their travels a little easier. Most hotel and restaurant employees, as well as store merchants, probably speak English to some degree.

by working with friends是什么意思

by working with friends是什么意思

by working with friends的意思是通过和朋友一起工作。 working 读音:英 [ˈwɜ:kɪŋ] 美 [ˈwɜ:rkɪŋ]adj.(涉及)工作的;(人)有工作的;(时间)用于工作上的;(想法等)可作为基础的v.(使)工作( work的现在分词);(使)运作;运转;(使)产生效果n.工作;活动;制作;操纵第三人称单数: works复数: workings现在分词: working过去式: worked过去分词: worked friend 读音:英 [frend] 美 [frɛnd]n.朋友,友人;资助者;助手;近亲。v.与…为友。第三人称单数: friends复数: friends现在分词: friending过去式: friended过去分词: friended friends是friend的名词复数 ,n.朋友;资助者;同胞;指做傻事或烦人的事而说话者不认识的人。 扩展资料双语例句 1.I study by working with friends. 我通过和朋友工作来学习。 2.I study fro a test by working with friends. 我通过和朋友们一起学习来参加考试。 3.By working together in unity with my friends, I can accomplish things that are impossible to do alone. 我和朋友团结在一起工作,这样我就能完成一个人不能完成的事情。 4.Taian Lianhua is willing to build bridges by colorful products and working together with all the friends to create the future! 泰安联华愿以五彩的产品架起桥梁,与各界朋友携手合作,共创未来! 5.The power part of your kick is developed by really working hard on kick sets instead of just talking with your friends. 蝶泳腿力量的提高依赖于大量正确的组合练习,而不是仅仅和你的朋友一起水池中作一些练习就可以的。 6.Costume jeweller Stella& dot sells its accessories via parties arranged by a part-time sales force, working with local hosts who invite their friends in exchange for free items. 首饰品牌stella&dot通过与本地主办者合作、并由兼职销售团队运作的家庭派对来销售饰件,这些主办者把朋友邀请到自己家中,以换取相应的免费饰件。 参考资料:百度翻译——by working with friends