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wrench的意思是扳手。 n.猛扭;一扭;一拧;猛拉;猛拽;扳手;扳头;扳钳;搬子;偶单力组。 v.猛扭;猛拧;猛拉;猛拽;曲解;使扭伤;用扳钳拧;歪曲。 monkey wrench 活扳手;螺丝扳手 torque wrench 转矩扳手;扭力扳手 socket wrench 套筒扳手 crescent wrench 新月形活动扳手 wrench fault 平移断层;走向滑动断层 双语例句: 1、It will be a real wrench to leave after eight years . 八年后要离开将是真真痛苦的事。 2、To wrench our Bible to make it fit a misconception of facts. 曲解圣经以迎合对事实的错误看法。 3、I wrench the steering wheel back and thrash on up the hill. 我把方向盘猛往回拽,奋力开上了山。 4、He swung at me with the tyre wrench. 他挥动着轮胎扳手想要打我。 5、With a wrench Tony wriggled free. 猛地一扭,托尼挣脱了。



意思是扳手。 猛拉;猛扭;猛拧to pull or twist sth/sb/yourself suddenly and violently同义词: jerk[VN , usually + adv./prep.] The bag was wrenched from her grasp.那只包从她紧握的手里被夺了出来。 He grabbed Ben, wrenching him away from his mother.他抓住本,把他从他母亲那里一把抢走了。(figurative) Guy wrenched his mind back to the present.盖伊的思绪猛地回到现在。[VN-ADJ] They wrenched the door open. 他们猛地把门拉开了。She managed to wrench herself free.她终于设法挣脱出来。[VN] 扭伤(脚踝、肩膀等)to twist and injure a part of your body, especially your ankle or shoulder同义词: twistShe wrenched her knee when she fell.她跌倒时把膝盖扭伤了。