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buckle 基本解释如下: vt.& vi. 用搭扣扣紧;(使)变形,弯曲 n. 搭扣,扣环 buckle 变化形式: 复数: buckles 第三人称单数: buckles 过去式: buckled 过去分词: buckled 现在分词: buckling buckle 用法和例句: A man riding a dolphin upon a belt buckle . 一个男子骑着海豚的皮带扣。 Don 't wet it too much or it will buckle . 注意不要弄得太湿,否则照片会变形。 The deal struck in the america 's steel city is a step in the right direction , but it could soon begin to buckle . 在美国钢铁之城达成的协议向正确的方向迈出了一步,但它可能马上就会做出让步。 For all the bile that some are now hurling , especially at germany , the odds are that greece 's politicians will buckle . 对于所有的苦果,某些国家正在厉声抱怨,尤其是针对德国,如今问题的关键就是希腊领导人能否全力以赴。



v.(使)搭扣扣住;(被)压垮;双腿发软 n.(皮带等的)搭扣 【拓展内容】 【网络例句】 1. She sent me the prints which happened top be the nose, and I was able to make it into a belt buckle. 之后她交给我的是狗鼻孔印的模板,我把它制作成了一个皮带扣。 2. Most cabs don't yet provide rear seatbelts, and drivers have conniptions if you try to buckle up in the front. 多数出租车的后排座椅都没有安全带,如果你试图坐到前排并系上安全带,司机便会变得歇斯底里。 3. He appeared to be returning home from a walk, for his buckle shoes, which followed a fashion long since out of date, were covered with dust. 他似乎是散步走回家,因为他的旧式的扣鞋上盖满了灰尘。 4. I live in the heart of the American Midwest, the buckle of the bible belt as is often said of my small city. 我住在中西部中心有圣经带上的扣子之称的小城奥克拉荷马