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五、翻译下列句子: 1.我通常步行上学,有时候我骑自行车去。 I usually go toschool on foot. Sometimes I go by bike. 2.我哥哥在一家空调公司工作。 My brother works in an air-conditioner company. 3.我们下一步该怎么做? What shall we do next?. 4.你应该每天给树浇水。 You should water the trees everyday. 5.我们今天下午要做运动。 We are going to play sports this afternoon. 6.医院就在书店旁边。 The hospital is beside the bookstore. 六、Rewrite the sentences.(按要求写出句子) 1、Can I go to the booktroe by bike?(做出否定回答) No, you can't. . 2、I am going to make the bed.(改为现在进行时) I am making the bed. 3、I’m going to the Great Wall.(对画线部分提问) Where are you going? 4、I like drawing pictures.(改为否定句) I don't like drawing picture. 5、We can see a river in the picture.(对画线部分提问) What can you see in the picture? 七、阅读理解 A Many people don’t have the same hobbies, but they can still be good friends. Li and Wang are good friends. Li collects stamps and often shows them to Wang. Wang doesn’t like collecting. He likes swimming. Wang often asks Li to go swimming with him, but Li always says he is busy. Yes, he is always busy with his stamps.“You should collect something,” Li often says to Wang. Wang likes playing the violin, but Li doesn’t. Li likes playing the piano. They like to help each other. That’s why they are good friends. 判断对错,对的打“√”,错的打“×” ( X )1.All of the friends always have the same hobbies. ( X )2.Li likes swimming and Wang likes collecting stamps. ( X )3.Wang likes playing the violin. ( V )4.Li likes playing the piano. ( V )5.Wang and Li help each other and they’re good friends. B London London is the capital of Great Britain. It is a big city in south – east England. It is on the river Thams. There are fourteen bridges over the Thames in London. Tower Bridge is very famous. It si near the Tower of London. London has many famous museums, beautiful parks, big shops and a lot of theatres and cinemas. Getting to London is easy: it has three international airports and thirteen big railway stations. 阅读短文,回答下列问题。 1. Where is London? It is a big city in south – east England. 2. What river is it on? It is on the river Thams. 3. How many bridges are there in London? here are fourteen bridges over theThames in London. 4. Where is Tower Bridge? It si near the Tower of London. 5. Are there any museums or theatres in London? Yes, London has many famous museums and a lot of theatres .



1、原文 repetition 2、发音 英 [ˌrepəˈtɪʃn]、美 [ˌrepəˈtɪʃn] 3、释义 n. 重复;背诵;副本 4、近义词 n. 重复;背诵;副本。reiteration , iterance。 扩展资料: 1、短语 repetition code [计] 重复码 terminal repetition [遗] 末端重复 ; 翻译 Modulating Repetition 调制速率 repetition work 成批加工 Repetition Training 复述训练 ; 重复训练 ; 训练法 Requesting Repetition 请求重述 repetition learning 反复学习 2、例句 And the best way to do that is through repetition. 要做成那样的最好办法就是通过重复的方式。 It is achieved by the use of balance and repetition. 它是通过利用平衡和重复而实现的。



重复英文是repeat。repeat做动词时,有重复说(或写);照着说;再说一次;重复做;重播(节目);重修;(选举中违法)重复投票;再次成功;(钟表按要求)连打;在口中留下余味;转述的意思。repeat做名词时,有重复的行动(或事件);(电视或广播的)重播;重复;(同类货物的)再次运送;重复装饰图案;(音乐)反复部分;反复记号的意思。例句:1、Please repeat what I said just now。请把我刚才说的重复一遍。2、Repeating in elections is one of the violations of election regulations。选举中重复投票是违反选举条例的行为之一。3、The entertainment program is having a repeat on TV。这个娱乐节目正在电视上重播。4、I didn't hear you clearly。 Could you please repeat what you said?我刚刚没听清 您能再说一遍么5、Could you repeat that, please?请问你可以重复一下吗?6、I will repeat it one more time。我会再重复一次。7、Could you repeat that, please?请问,你可以重复一下吗?8、I want to repeat the song。我想重放这首歌。9、I didn't hear that clearly。Could you repeat it?我没太听清楚。你能再说一遍吗?10、I always listen to the lessons on repeat and try to repeat the words。我总是反复听课,试着复述单词。