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gold的意思有名词和形容词两种,作名词时意思是“金,黄金;金色;金币”,作形容词时意思是“金的,金制的;金色的”。 n. 1.金,黄金;金币 2.财富;财宝;黄金一样贵重[富丽]的东西 3.金色,金黄色 4.包金,镀金;金粉,金钱,金箔 6.金牌,金质奖章 纯黄金 adj. 1.金的,金制的,含金的 2.金色的 3.金本位的 例句: A prodigal who returns is more precious than gold .浪子回头金不换。 Gold and silver are of a more durable nature .金银具有较大的耐久性。 镀金也用gold,也有独立单词glid He gives her a necklace of proof gold .他送给她一条纯金的项链。 I still go on underrating men of gold .我仍瞧不起腰缠万金的人。



gold的意思是:n.金;黄金;金色;黄褐色;金币;金器;靶心;财富;金合金;大量金钱。读音:英 [ɡəʊld] 美 [ɡoʊld]复数:golds双语例句:1、Banks began welshing on their agreement not to convert dollar reserves into gold.银行开始拒绝履行不把美元兑换成黄金的协议。2、The day was spring-like and the snowmelt shone in blue and gold.天气像春天一样,融化的雪水闪着蓝光和金光。3、The foliage is handsome — yellow and gold with the odd slash of red.叶子是富丽的黄色和金色,带有奇怪的红色条纹。4、Breast milk provides the gold standard by which infant feeds are measured.母乳是最好的婴儿食品。5、They clipped the edges of gold coins and melted the clippings down.他们削下金币的边缘拿去烧熔。6、He was expected to be a certainty for a gold medal.他被认为可稳得金牌。7、He proved to be a rabid seeker for gold and power.人们发现,原来他是一个狂热追求财富和权力的人。8、The woods in autumn are a riot of russet and gold.树林秋意闹,呈现一片赤褐色和金色。