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more often than 和more often than not 分别是什么意思请造句谢谢
more often than 和more often than not 分别是什么意思请造句谢谢

more often than 和more often than not 分别是什么意思请造句谢谢

more often than 和more often than not意思和造句如下: 一、more often than:比...更经常。 例句: 1、During foggy weather trains run behind schedule more often than not. / Trains are often late on foggy days. 在多雾的天气里,火车往往晚点。 二、more often than not:大半;大概;很经常。 例句: 1、No matter, because everything is cooked through and more often than not,delicious. 不要紧,因为每样东西都是煮熟的,并且通常比生的好吃的多。 2、For instance, if you fail an exam, more often than not the reason might be foundin your study habits (or lack thereof). 举个例子,假如你考试没通过,究其原因通常是由于你的学习习惯(或缺乏好的习惯)。 more often than not双语例句: More often than not, the student was quite scatterbrained. 绝大部分时候这个学生注意力不集中。 Every night, more often than not, you'd find my father at the local pub. 每天晚上你大多能在附近的小酒店里找到我父亲。 More often than not he's at home in the evening. 晚上大半他都在家。 Nancy comes to work early more often than not. 南希经常上班很早。

More often than not 点解?

More often than not 点解?

More often than not 属于 idiom (成语)
其实是 简化了 More often than not more often. 超过一半时间/机会做某样东西或发生某件事情
便可以说为 more often than not。Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 的解释是 more than half of the time
or usually 经常、多半。 例句:More often than not
she is late for work (她经常上班迟到) More often than not
he skips lessons (他时常旷课) 注意:既然 more often than not 是经常的意思
时式却依然是 present tense。 还有
more often than not 亦可写为 as often as not ( 例如 As often as not
she is late for work)
只是 more often than not 比较流行。
more often than not (adverb);usually; as a rule
by and large.的意思.解作经常
If you say something happens more often than not
you mean that it usually or very probably happens. e.g. More often than not
the patient recovers. So
"more often than not" here me "very probably".
参考: Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary
More often than not me 多半