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  crawl做动词有爬行;卑躬屈膝;自由式 游泳 等意思,那么你知道crawl的过去式是什么吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!   crawl的过去式和其他时态:   过去式: crawled   过去分词: crawled   现在分词: crawling   crawl的用法:   crawl的用法1:crawl用作动词的基本意思是“爬行”,指腹部或双膝和手贴地爬行; 也可指“徐缓而行”,多用于指车辆缓慢前进,间或也可用于指时间。   crawl的用法2:crawl与介词to搭配,意为“巴结,奉承”,多用于指下级对上级; 与介词with搭配,意为“爬满…,满是”。   crawl的过去式例句:   1. Chris crawled on his hands and knees out onto the highway.   克里斯手脚并用爬上了公路。   2. She crawled on all fours over to the window.   她爬到窗边。   3. They looked rather comical as they crawled up precarious ladders.   他们顺着摇摇晃晃的梯子往上爬,看起来非常滑稽。   4. I literally crawled to the car.   我真的是爬到车那边去的。   5. I crawled out of bed at nine-thirty.   我9点半才勉强从床上爬起来。   6. They crawled along on their bellies.   他们匍匐前进。   7. She crawled onto the river bank and lay there gulping in air.   她爬上河岸,躺在那里喘着粗气.   8. He crawled along the fence until he reached the gate.   他顺着篱笆一直爬到大门边.   9. The beaten dog crawled to his masters feet.   挨打的狗爬到主人的脚边去.   10. The prisoner crawled through a hole and escaped.   犯人从一个洞里爬出去逃跑了.   11. The snake has crawled into a hole.   那条蛇爬进洞里.   12. She crawled across the pool in record time.   她以最高记录的速度用自由式游过游泳池.   13. He crawled from print to print, sniffing at the earth, following the scent left in the tracks.   它沿着脚印向前爬,在地面上嗅着,追踪着路上留下的气味。   14. He crawled up a small knoll and surveyed the prospect.   他慢腾腾地登上一个小丘,看了看周围的地形.   15. Chengyu crawled on to my lap and looked into my eyes.   成渝看我很和善,就爬到我的膝盖上,伸长脖子,望着我的眼睛,问:“叔叔!



crawl英语读音[krɔːl]。 一、crawl单词辨析: 1、crawl意为“爬行”,着重指昆虫类在地面上蠕动身体缓慢爬行,也指任何像虫子般在地上爬行的人或物,含有缓慢、无力、费劲或经常停歇地前进的意思。 2、climb一般指垂直地或倾斜地向高处爬。 3、creep意为“匍匐、爬行”,通常指身体贴着地面或接触地面爬行,以防被别人发觉。 二、crawl的短语搭配: 1、crawl space爬行空隙。 2、Australian crawl爬泳;自由泳。 3、pub crawl逐店饮酒;走到哪儿喝到哪儿。 4、news crawl滚动标题新闻;新闻跑马灯。 5、make someone's flesh crawl使感到害怕。 6、make your skin crawl使人毛骨悚然,让人起鸡皮疙瘩。 crawl的双语例句: 1、I saw it crawl up the wall bit by bit.It did not stop,but went on and on. 我看到它一点一点地爬上墙。它并没有停止,而是一直在继续。 2、Victorians started putting women in a box,and they're still trying to crawl out of it. 维多利亚时代的人开始把女人禁锢在一个框里,他们现在仍在努力摆脱它。 3、When night fell we managed to crawl back to our lines. 夜幕降临时,我们设法潜回了我方阵地。 4、A person dying in a fire—doesn't it make your skin crawl? 一个在火中垂死挣扎的人—难道那不让你毛骨悚然吗?