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valentines的读音:[ˈvæləntaɪnz]。 双语例句: 1、Maya Angelou first staged the play 'And I Still Rise' in the late 1970s. 马娅·安杰卢在20世纪70年代后期第一次将戏剧《我还会站起来》搬上了舞台。 2、The doctor is bewitched by Maya's beauty. 医生被马娅的美貌深深吸引。 3、He told Naomi she was becoming just like Maya. Naomi quailed at the thought. 他告诉娜奥米,她正变得和马娅一样。一想到这里,娜奥米便不寒而栗。 4、Chocolate comes from an ancient civilizationcalled the Maya. 巧克力源自一个叫玛雅的古老文明。 5、Guillermo de Anda is director of the Gran Acuifero Maya project. 吉利尔莫·德·安达(Guillermo de Anda)是大玛雅地下水层项目的负责人。

valentine's 怎么读

valentine's 怎么读

valentine's读音是:[ˈvæləntaɪn]。 双语例句: 1、This photograph here shows her at about twenty ( 1893). when she moved to Paris as the wife of Henri Gauthier-Villars-a morose provincial schoolgirl with a long golden braid flapping at her heels. 那时,她还是一个忧郁的女学生,梳着一条长长的垂及脚踝的金色发辫,她嫁给了亨利。高德。维拉斯,搬到了巴黎。 2、She just sat there looking morose. 她就那样阴郁地坐在那儿。 3、She was morose, pale, and reticent. 她面色苍白、忧郁孤僻,并且沉默寡言。 4、He is a morose, work-shy layabout. 他是个整天垂头丧气、游手好闲的人。 5、He became at times listless and morose. 有时候他就愈加无精打彩,脾气乖张。