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feast,英语单词,主要用作名词、动词,作名词时意为“筵席,宴会;(感官)享受;节日”,作动词时意为“尽情享用,饱餐;宴请;赴宴”。 一、用作及物动词时: 1、He feasted his friends. 他设宴款待朋友。 2、We feasted on chicken and coconuts. 我们吃鸡肉和椰子,大饱口福。 3、We feasted our eyes on the mountain scene. 我们尽情欣赏山景。 二、用作不及物动词时: 1、The poor starve and the rich feast. 穷人挨饿,富人吃喝。 2、Christmas is an important feast for Christians. 圣诞节是基督徒的重要节日。 3、We prepared a feast for the wedding. 我们为婚礼准备了盛宴。 feast双语例句: 1、This was the great reunion,and everybody gorged themselves silly,and appetite came into its own;the long-awaited meal became a feast to remember and an almost sacred celebration of life. 这是一次盛大的团聚,一个个食欲大振,狼吞虎咽,一副饿鬼相。这顿苦苦等候的晚餐变成空前盛宴,几乎成了生活神圣的庆典,让人刻骨铭心。 2、He said to them,Now draw some out,and take it to the steward of the feast. 他对她们说,现在提出一系列活动,并采取向乘务员的盛宴。 3、A recipe for the incredible Fish Feast can now be purchased for Dalaran Cooking Awards. 不可思议的鱼宴配方可从达拉然烹饪奖励处购买。



feast是意思是盛宴;宴会;节期;使人欢快的事物(或活动) 1.Each stop presents riders with a different visual feast as if they have been transported to a new magical underworld. 每个车站都在向乘客呈献不同风格的视觉盛宴,使他们如同置身于一个全新奇特的地下世界。 2.When he was a bit ahead, he'd buy some liquor and cook up a dog and enjoy a little feast. 他一有机会,就买些酒,煮上一只狗,美美地吃一顿。 3.Sureenough, in a demonstration room after the announcement, attendees at Apple's event found a feast of test units in both colors. 果然,在发布会后的演示厅内,出席此次活动的人们看到了样机的盛宴,两种颜色都有。 4.The Pilgrims had a feast in 1621 near Plymouth, Massachusetts, which is often referred to as the first Thanksgiving. 朝圣者们举行了一次宴会1621年马萨诸塞州的普利茅斯港附近,通常称为第一次的感恩节。



feast英 [fi:st] 美 [fist],意思是n.宴会; 盛会; 宗教节日; 使人欢快的事物(或活动);vi.大吃大喝,享用美食; 参加宴会;vt.款待(某人),宴请(某人)。 双语例句: 1、This new series promises a feast of special effects and set designs 这部新的系列剧将会是一场特效和舞美的盛宴。 2、Chicago provides a feast for the ears of any music lover. 《芝加哥》将给所有音乐爱好者献上一场听觉的盛宴。 3、They feasted well into the afternoon on mutton and corn stew 他们吃玉米炖羊肉一直吃到下午。 4、They were happy to partake of our feast, but not to share our company. 他们喜欢享用我们准备的丰盛大餐,但是不喜欢和我们呆在一起。