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We unite to pursue a shared objective . 我们联合起来追求共同的目标。 What does your share of the bonus work out at ? 算出你的红利是多少? Let me go shares with you in the taxi fare . 我和你分摊计程车费吧。 Everybody gets his share of bloody noses . 谁也免不了有倒霉的时候。 My bank deals in stocks and shares now . 我们银行现在经营债券与股票。 Leros island may well share its fate . 勒罗斯岛很可能遭到同样的命运。 Prices in the shares market are rock-steady . 股票市场的价格非常平稳。 You should hold on to your oil shares . 你应该继续保留著石油股份。 They share the housework equally beeen them . 他们平等分担家务。 Plainly he was not to be allowed to share in it . 人家显然不许他沾边。 Only a single denominator do they share . 他们只有一种共同的特点。 I certainly have had my share of beauty . 的确有人赞赏过我的美貌。 I came in for a pretty good share as a second . 我一片热心全是为别人。 She shared an office with patricia . 她和帕特丽夏共用一个办公室。 I shared the gradual disillusionment . 我也是逐渐感到幻想破灭的。 You will get a good return on these shares . 投资这种股票可获优厚利润。 Each human being has his share of rights . 每个人都有他自己的一份权利。 He is buying up shares in general motors . 他正收买通用汽车公司的股票。 At home you'd have to share with your brother . 你回家还得和你弟弟分家。 Women pressed forward to take their share . 妇女们也争先恐后地要求参加。 Share prices bounced back this morning . 股票价格今晨回升了。 I am sorry , but i do not share your opinion . 对不起,您的意见我不能同意。 I have worked out your share of the expenses . 我已经计算出你应分摊的费用。 Linton and i have no share in your quarrel . 林敦和我并没有参与你们的争吵。 Why didn't you call on me to share your vigil ? 为什么不叫我同你一块守夜呢? Only americans fully share his intimation . 只有美国人才能完全同意他的说法。 If you find the treasure, we will go shares . 如果你找到那批财宝,咱们平分。 I e in for a pretty good share as a second . 我可以作一个配角来分享一份。 The state must be assured of the largest share of profits . 保证国家得大头。 If you have an umbrella , let me share it with you . 如你有伞,让我们合用吧。 The subject has received its fair share of attention . 那题目受到应有的注意。 Here they shared their first mon meal alone . 她们就在那儿第一次同案而食。 Profit and lose were to be shared by all . 赢亏由全体分摊。 Some are bulpng shares . 有些人正大量买进股票以抬高价格。 Let me share supper with you both . 我和你们一同去吃晚饭。 They agreed to work on shares . 他们同意合伙干,共负盈亏。 She disclaimed any share in the invention . 她放弃在这发明中应享有的一份权利。 Her partner tried to trick her out of her share . 她的合伙人企图骗走她的股份。 I would not want to share his lot . 我可不愿和他同甘共苦。 He is too perishing mean to pay his share . 他小气极了,连自己的那份钱也不付。



We unite to pursue a shared objective . 我们联合起来追求共同的目标。 What does your share of the bonus work out at ? 算出你的红利是多少? Let me go shares with you in the taxi fare . 我和你分摊计程车费吧。 Everybody gets his share of bloody noses . 谁也免不了有倒霉的时候。 My bank deals in stocks and shares now . 我们银行现在经营债券与股票。 Leros island may well share its fate . 勒罗斯岛很可能遭到同样的命运。 Prices in the shares market are rock-steady . 股票市场的价格非常平稳。 You should hold on to your oil shares . 你应该继续保留著石油股份。 They share the housework equally beeen them . 他们平等分担家务。 Plainly he was not to be allowed to share in it . 人家显然不许他沾边。 He shares my fears about a possible war . 他和我一样害怕有可能发生战争。 We have shared the same historical experiences . 咱们有著共同的历史遭遇。 Where is your maotai ? take it out and let 's have a share . 你的茅台呢? She'd had a very generous offer for the shares . 有人愿出高价买她的股份。 I am shy of buying shares , in case i lose money . 我不敢买股票,怕赔钱。 In covalent bonding, atoms share electrons . 在共价键联中,原子共有电子。 The shares yield [pay] five per cent . 这些股票可产生5%的利润。 He would share his last pound with me . 他要是剩下最后一镑也会和我分著用。 He shares this palatial apartment with me . 他和我合住这间宫殿一般的房间。 Did cowperwood share personally in all this ? 柯帕乌亲自参加这一切事情吗? The subject has received its fair share of attention . 那题目受到应有的注意。 Here they shared their first mon meal alone . 她们就在那儿第一次同案而食。 Profit and lose were to be shared by all . 赢亏由全体分摊。 Some are bulpng shares . 有些人正大量买进股票以抬高价格。 Let me share supper with you both . 我和你们一同去吃晚饭。 They agreed to work on shares . 他们同意合伙干,共负盈亏。 She disclaimed any share in the invention . 她放弃在这发明中应享有的一份权利。 Her partner tried to trick her out of her share . 她的合伙人企图骗走她的股份。 I would not want to share his lot . 我可不愿和他同甘共苦。 He is too perishing mean to pay his share . 他小气极了,连自己的那份钱也不付。



分享英文即为share. 关于分享的小故事: 犹太教规定,信徒在安息日必须休息,什么事都不能做。但酷爱打高尔夫球的犹太教的长老,终于忍不住一整天的寂寞,决定偷偷去高尔夫球场。由于安息日犹太教徒都不会出门,球场上一个人也没有,因此长老觉得不会有人知道他违反规定。 然而,当长老在打第二洞时,却被天使发现了,天使生气地到上帝面前告状,上帝听了,就跟天使说,会好好惩罚这个长老。第三个洞开始,长老打出超完美的成绩,几乎都是一杆进洞。 长老兴奋莫名,到打第七个洞时,天使又跑去找上帝:上帝呀,你不是要惩罚长老吗?为何还不见有惩罚?上帝说:我已经在惩罚他了。直到打完第九个洞,长老都是一杆进洞。因为打得太神乎其技了,于是长老决定再打九个洞。天使又去找上帝了:到底惩罚在哪里? 上帝只是笑而不答。打完十八洞,成绩比任何一位世界级的高尔夫球手都优秀,把长老乐坏了。天使很生气地问上帝:他都乐成那样了!这就是你对长老的惩罚吗? 上帝说:你想想,他那惊人的成绩以及兴奋的心情,却不能跟任何人说,这不是最好的惩罚吗?原来,没人分享快乐是一种惩罚!